Friday, March 23, 2012

We All Need Somebody

Check out this story about three sisters that are battling breast cancer at the same time. Even though each of them have had to go through this cancer, they have had each other to draw strength from.

Who do you lean on during times of hardship? It is important to have a support system as you go through the  difficult time of treatment and recovery.

The Breast Care Center, right down the hall from us at the LifeHope Medical Office Building, holds a support group every fourth Tuesday of the Month. There you can meet with others who have either had breast cancer, or are going through breast cancer at the same time you are. Certainly your family and friends are a key support during your trial with cancer, but sometimes it is nice to hear from someone who has been there. Someone who has felt the pain and fear you may have. Someone who is learning just as you are how to navigate through the lengthy process of cancer care. Come and join the group. You will get to ask questions you may have about your care and hear from others who have breast cancer. Who knows, maybe you will be that special support to someone who needs to hear your experience.

Go to our website to see times and dates for upcoming meeting times.